Documenting Family Moments

I love seeing and photographing the beautiful in every day, in every moment. Whether it is a celebration of a special occasion or celebrating an everyday moment, by seeing something special in it... 
My family have been well documented to date. The first cries, the first smiles, the first steps, the first time on a swing, the first time on a bike. I have all of these memories ready to share with them when they are old enough. What I had noticed of late, was that Scott & I were missing from these beautiful moments. When of course we were right there behind the frame with arms outstretched encouraging those first steps, pulling silly faces to get those first smiles.
This last weekend we decided to change that and jump right in the frame with our two littlies' so we could be part of the special memories, that will be recalled for years to come. 

Ballina | June 2015