Formula One V's Feeding ducks...

It has been a while since this little girl and I have made time to enjoy some 'mummy and me only moments', so at the first sound of the Formula one engines on t.v (and our youngest boy imitating the sound of these loud engines, sitting on his daddy's lap) this little miss & I made a quick exit in our favourite dresses to our nearest park. What a glorious afternoon. To sit down and soak up everything that makes up your children from the way they walk, to the funny stories they tell, the way they look at everything in such an excited way, to the way they reach over and touch your hand to show you something new - I can't get enough of it. To have that one on one time with a girl who seems to grow more knowledgeable by the day was heaven. The icing on the cake was when I pulled out my camera to take a photo of her feeding the ducks and she didn't shy away (she generally runs at the sight of my camera nowadays or pulls a face). So I dared to take more to capture the moment and her renewed sense of spirit in front of the camera made for a wonderful photo session. Laughing. Enjoying the moment. I then put the camera away and shared a very special afternoon with my very own ray of sunshine.