Change... In its many forms.

I love change, I absolutely thrive on it. It is the one thing that drives me forward, keeps me motivated, passionate and focused. I love new beginnings, new starts, a fresh page, something new to sink my teeth into (I think you get the picture). There is something refreshing about closing a certain chapter and being able to write a brand new one. It is the excitement of the unknown and the new experiences that will be explored that makes me want to try new things constantly, meet new people, travel to far & wide or local & obscure places.

There is one change that I am not looking forward to however, and it is the nursery room in our house. This one tiny little room has stayed the same for over four years. From the cot & the matching set of drawers (that were second hand & needed to be sanded back & stained) to the old lamp stand that was a hand-me-down (that was also sanded back & stained to match the draws & the cot) the gorgeous 'garden inspired' lamp shade that was posted over from London from my sister (one of the most beautiful congratulatory gifts I have  ever received), to the amazing print hanging above the change table (that I had framed) and had been discovered & purchased at  a festival in Europe by one of my nearest & dearest friends ( a gorgeous print of some free falling gatecrashing cows, skydiving into a paddock), to a simple clock that quietly ticked away to the countless amount of times I was up nursing my two beautiful babies. I have walked past this room innumerous times and stopped at the doorway just to take in the light & the surroundings and to reminisce about the very first day(s) we brought our little babies home.

Although we don't have to change the room JUST YET... The time will soon come when I will have to move out old furniture in the room to accommodate a bed & 'big' boy stuff. Until then I will savour every moment I have left in this little nursery watching these two play and grow.